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Writer's pictureKirstin Halverson

Another Lesson Another Dream...

I just recently had a dream that I am willing to share in hopes that you may benefit. Now please remember that I have really vivid intense dreams like this all of the time. I feel intensely, so the drama of this dream will reflect that.

I am driving on this road with my sweet mother as we hear a siren coming towards us. We slow down and see smoke from a building extremely close to the road. It had been on fire for a while and I couldn't see any flames, but the building was leaning into the road. I had a moment of contemplation as I was slowly still driving towards it, but I decided that I would keep moving forward. This road I was on turned into a C shaped road as it curved around the building and was a bridge over a cliff. As we were driving slowly, the road began to crack and I'm not exactly sure how we got out of the car, but part of the road had broken and allowed our car to fall to the ground. We somehow were holding on to the edge of the road. My mom was very close to where she could climb back up onto the non bridged road and save herself. She quickly climbed up and fire fighters ran to her, so she couldn't come to me. I was frozen with a death grip on the ledge. For those of you that don't know, I am deathly afraid of heights, so this is extremely terrifying for me. I look up and see approximately 4 to 6 horses right in front of me. The were in short stall type enclosures and couldn't budge. I saw the fear in their eyes and screamed to my mom telling her there were horses that needed to be rescued. Ok so I am the victim at this point. I am trapped. I can't possible hold my grip much longer and most definitely cannot get to where my mom is. I feel hopeless and so sad that I can't help the horses.

I am woken up by this fear and hopelessness feeling. I decide to pray and ask God if He will help me stop feeling so terrified. I quickly fell back asleep and it was as if I was able to rewind the dream.

I was now back on the other side of the bridge before we had lost our car down the deep cliffs. I was not going to cross the road this time, but I decided that instead of feeling so helpless that I was going to empower myself. How would I do that you ask (this is where the theatrics of my mind come in haha)? I now knew that there were horses over there and wanted them to be safe.

A helicopter was coming with a basket attached to see if they could save them. I had halters in my car and they didn't have anyone experienced with horses, so I volunteered to rescue them. Do you know what that required (in my mind)? Me sitting on top of this basket as the helicopter got me close to them. I jumped off and breathed with them. I let them know they could trust me and loaded them one at a time into the basket as we flew back across the bridge to where I got them out and tied them up. Never once were they aggressive. Never once did I get hurt and all of the horses were saved.

Why in the world would I share this with you? Well many reasons... A) to let you know that I am still afraid of heights. B) I have a fierce belief in a higher power that can help you see your divine worth. C) Playing the victim will never make you feel empowered, you'll never be the hero and you'll always be controlled by your fears.

I am all about empowering people in their life and taking them from victim mode (whether they know that's where they are or not) to empowered mode. The important part of this dream is that I did not all of a sudden get granted a superpower. I didn't all of a sudden stop being afraid of heights. I found my inner power. That is my ultimate goal with EVERY client of mine. To help them see that power within themselves. YOU can create something in your life that fulfills you, that empowers you, that heals you. That is my mission with every client and as I continue my commitment to helping others heal and empower themselves- I too am committed to growing, healing and stretching myself to a point that is extremely uncomfortable because I expect that from my clients.

This dream also illustrates the natural man in me and each of us that so quickly and easily goes to victim mode. Where we may naturally flight, fight, freeze or appease and can't help ourselves... we can change the cycle with a little self awareness and willingness to change.

Horses in this dream were perfect. They are the cornerstone for my own personal healing and growth and my favorite thing to introduce to people. It expedites healing and growth in a way most people cannot even fathom.

I hope this raw, real and vulnerable dream illustrates how powerful our minds can be for good and bad. Sometimes it propels us forward in such an incredible way and sometimes it prevents us from growth, connection and healing.

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